I am thrilled to announce that I have graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Integrated Social Sciences (ISS) from the University of Washington. This achievement is the culmination of many years of hard work and perseverance, for which I am incredibly proud. When I started the ISS program, I knew it would challenge me academically, but what I didn’t predict was the profound positive impact the ISS program would have on my personal growth and the way it would expand my compassion towards myself, others, and the local and global environments around me.
Through my continued work in the program, I have also built an impressive cache of transferable skills that will benefit me in graduate school and beyond. Skills like time management and organization have helped me to achieve a high level of success in the program, as reflected by my 3.86 cumulative GPA and multiple ISS Director’s List recognitions. While these achievements have been deeply rewarding after experiencing a childhood with early learning difficulties and struggles, the greatest amount of satisfaction and pride has come from the business and personal coaching I’ve been able to provide to my husband to grow our financial planning business. My coaching work is heavily informed by the academic work I’ve done in the ISS program and by my passion for organizational and performance psychology. The combination of these interests and experiences has helped me to assist my husband in creating a culture of diversity, inclusion, and social responsibility that is not only people-centered but also focused on financial growth.
Now that I have earned my degree and my children are both in middle school, I am ready to dive back into work life, where I can use the skills I gained from previous work experience and through my education to benefit others, while building a meaningful career for myself.
Thank you for taking the time to peruse my portfolio. You can find out more About Me, learn about the Keywords I created, and wander through my Library of Work to read a sample of research essays I produced during my ISS journey. Should you have any questions or want to discuss my work, please don’t hesitate to Contact Me.
“Integrity is choosing courage over comfort; choosing what is right over what is fun, fast, or easy; and choosing to practice our values rather than simply professing them.”