Areas of Study
I’ve been lucky to have the opportunity to take many amazing courses throughout my undergraduate education. These courses have opened my mind to new perspectives and experiences, improved my communication skills, and made me more compassionate and conscientious in my approach to others and our environment.
Sociology 101: Sociological Imagination
Sociology 201: Social Problems.
Sociology 240: Identity, Self, & Social interaction
Sociology 352: The Family
Sociology 362: American Race/Ethnic Relations
Communications 100: Intro to Human Communication
Communications 102: Intro to Mass Media
Communications 210: Interpersonal Communication
Communications 220: Intro to Public Speaking
Communications 250: Organizational Communication
Communications 318: Creative Advantage
Communications 325: Communication, Cities, and Sustainability
Communications 468: Media Ethics
Communications 484: Culture in Communication
Psychology and Anthropology
Psychology 100: Intro to Psychology
Psychology 200: Lifespan Psychology
Psychology 210: Psychology of Human Sexuality
Anthropology 234: Religion & Culture
Anthropology 301: Global History of Health
Anthropology 377: Anthropology & International Health
Math & Science
Math 130: Intro to Statistics
Biology 108: Human Biology
Environmental Science 100: Survey of Environmental Science
Meteorology 101: Introduction to Weather
Oceanography 101: Oceanography - Pacific Northwest
Political Science 385: World Food Politics
English & Foreign Language
English 101: College Composition
English 201: The Research Paper
English 284: Beginning Short Story Writing
Spanish 121
Spanish 122
Spanish 123
Additional Notable Courses
Intro to Native American Studies
Intro to Microeconomics
Intro to Philosophy
Global Environment
Comparative Colonialism